We audit different government agencies on a regular basis for unclaimed funds due to citizens like yourself. We specialize in difficult to find claims. There are many types of unclaimed assets that have a myriad of different sources such as safe deposit bank contents, mutual funds, uncashed checks, wages, insurance policies, utility deposits, escrow accounts, and inheritance money to name just a few.
We usually locate our clients by doing internet searches.
Please call us and one of our representatives would be more than happy to explain the nature of your claim. Once you have signed our contingency fee agreement, we’ll be happy to disclose where the funds have been located!
The governmental agencies we audit typically DO NOT post these unclaimed funds accounts online. You are welcome to search state unclaimed funds websites, and you can likely find money owed to you or someone you know. Although these websites are great tools, you won’t find the claim you were contacted about there. Not all claims are easy to find and a considerable amount of time and resources have been spent gathering the many details of your claim.
Most of the assets we locate aren't available by searching the internet, and it's unlikely that without the aid of a company like ours, that you'll be notified of their existence by the agency holding them.
We keep your information 100% private and confidential. We never ask for any personal financial information. We do not sell or give your information to anyone outside of our organization.
Just give us a call! We’re here to serve you. Call
Giselle 609-831-3155, Genista 646-535-0296, Naiomi 917-508-8967 today.
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